If the dog is doing well, the master is doing well too.

My 4-year-old dachshund "Yaco vom Granitz-Hof" initially ate the food from another company.
As dachshunds are, they will eat anything. However, his coat was dull, his stools were muddy and he liked to eat the faeces of other dogs.
Then I switched him to the "Provital-Anfit" food.
His faeces were fine straight away. When he was then also given the amount of "Amovit" powder from "Provital-Anfit" every morning, he no longer ate any faeces.
The dosage is very good thanks to the enclosed measuring spoon.
Since "Amovit Dog 100g" "Yaco" has got a wonderful coat! I can recommend this to all dog owners for their animals.
"If the dog is fine, the master is fine too"
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